The Eucharist Explained
Set out here are some notes about the Eucharist I made just after a visit on 22/11/2001. Reading them now, in January 2024, I realise that Fr Gresham tried to teach me during our conversations. I had no sense of him wearying me with information at the time. On the contrary, he was always interesting and good company. Any errors in the explanation are, I am 100% sure, due to my memory at the time, rather than Fr Gresham's explanation.
Fr Gresham said, "At the mass the sacrifice of Christ is going on. Sacrifice means something given over completely to God. It includes not only the death of Christ but also his resurrection and ascension. The mass represents movement.
What happened at the crucifixion was judicial murder. It was Christ who made it into a sacrifice by what he did at the Last Supper. He said, 'This is my body which is sacrificed for you. This is my blood which is sacrificed for you and for many.'
What Jesus was doing at the Last Supper was not unusual. Jews would bless the name of God as they broke bread and drank wine. At the start of the meal Jesus broke the bread. Then there was the meal. Jesus said, 'This is my body ..... This is my blood .....' The disciples soon came to see it was a sacrifice. They realised they could miss out the meal and simply have the bread and the wine.
When Jesus said, 'This is a new covenant ...', it must have been surprising to the Jews because the old covenant was sacred to them, the covenant between God and Moses.
The extreme Protestant view is that the Eucharist is something that happens in our minds as we devoutly remember the Last Supper. But the mass isn't something that simply happens in our minds. It is actually happening during the mass. The death, resurrection and ascension of Christ is brought about during the mass in our presence. We share in it as we take the bread and the wine."
The next line was, 'With your gentleness lead us'.
Further on the prayer said the Lord was leading his people by a pillar of cloud by day, and a pillar of fire by night.
"In the 1960's they rewrote the catechism and left out the Devil. Well that was alright. But they also left out the statement that Christ was the Saviour of the world."
The Book of Joshua relates events of about 1200BCE, but was only written up about 500BCE, when they wrote it up as the history they thought it should have been. We are now learning, thankfully, that they weren't such a bloodthirsty lot massacring people. Rather, they intermarried with the indigenous people.
Jesus had a human brain that developed as he grew. And with it his knowledge, insight and wisdom grew. The idea that has been current in some places that the infant Jesus was consciously full of all knowledge is wrong and ridiculous."
I asked about the evil spirits going into the Gadarene swine. Fr Gresham said that the sanity of a person is worth more than the lives of the pigs.
"Old Testament stories were told for 600 years before they were written down. They became stylised and embellished. But at the root of them is a truth which they embody.
In the Middle Ages, Mediaeval religion was awful. A great decline.
Revelations is not about the end of time. It is about the time then and in the near future. One example, the Romans were defeated by some peoples in Iran (modern name) who had archers - the Romans hadn’t bargained for those - and this comes into Revelations.
These days people are so ignorant. They have turned away from religion, but they don't know anything about it. After a family leaves church a moral residue is passed on to the first generation, but after that it is lost."
Fr Gresham said there are three things new about Christianity. 1) The resurrection faith. 2) The apostolic ministry – “even as my father sent me so I send you.” 3) Something to do with bread & wine.
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